Saturday, October 12, 2019

Literacy Makerspace - Dogzilla and Candy Corn Catapults

It's October so for our monthly STEAM challenge we will be using the book Dogzilla and combining it with Candy Corn Catapults:

I love combining literacy with maker and STEAM activities. I have created a Lesson Plan Document:
CLICK HERE and here is the Student HyperDoc: CLICK HERE

There are so many things that I love about this challenge. One is that it can be a stand alone or it can be a jumping off point for students as they study catapults and trebuchets. Using the book Dogzilla brings in the empathy piece and you can challenge the students to consider the mice or the dog as they design.

The first time I did this challenge it was for a parent STEAM day where parents came to school and participated with their student in our STEAM time. This year all sorts of teachers in my district will be doing this with their classes. We also have a high school class that will be going to a second grade class and completing the challenge with them.

I'd like to shout out to one of my favorite bloggers - Frugal Fun for Boys and Girls - CLICK HERE