Now, I am thinking that you have a mental picture of what you think a chain looks like as do I. As Chelsea and I walked around watching the students make their chains I came upon a chain that did not fit MY definition or picture or understanding. I asked the groups making this chain if what they were making was a chain or a strip. They replied emphatically - it's a chain and I thought to myself that these students did not know what a chain is. My pre-conceived notion of a chain had temporarily blocked my acceptance of what others might think a chain is. Luckily, instead of dismissing their understanding or idea of a chain, I decided to throw the question out to the class once the challenge was completed.
When time was up, the students laid out the chains next to each other. We started off the discussion by asking what is a chain. Here is a picture of the chains the students created:
As the students grappled with what constitutes a chain, We (Chelsea and I) decided to Google the definition and this is what we found:
- 1.a connected flexible series of metal links used for fastening or securing objects and pulling or supporting loads.
We did not share these definitions until we allowed the students to ponder the question did you make a chain? Interestingly, all of the groups believed that what they created was a chain.
When this activity started I believed that only the groups that had followed the first definition had created chains. Fortunately I was able to let go of what I thought was RIGHT and chose to model seeking UNDERSTANDING.
I projected the definitions for all to see and let the students take in the definitions. These are 2nd and 3rd grade students so I asked for a volunteer to read the definitions out loud and then let the room think and ponder. after a couple of minutes of letting the students discuss amongst themselves, we asked for a thumbs up if the students thought that all of the creations were chains. All students put their thumbs up. Then we asked put your thumbs up if your understanding of what a chain is has broadened. All students put their thumbs up.
The final part of our discussion was the celebration of others teaching us to have an open mind. Each group did not consider the others chain as a possibility. We all acknowledged that we need each others perspectives to create and innovate.
The discussion included many other rich topics like the group who made the very small chains but had a pile of stripes of paper left over when time was called. The students wondered if that group had had more time, would their chain have ended up longer than all the rest?
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